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Homework Assignments:

      Your child will be receiving homework Monday through Thursday evenings. Homework should take about 20 minutes to complete.  Each Monday, students will receive an assignment sheet where they will copy down their nightly assignments.

      Your child's S.T.A.R. Binder will come home with them each day.  Please help your child complete their homework and place it in the “Return to School" side of their pocket folder.  Please also initial the assignment sheet nightly.  That way, I know you saw the assignments and that day's behavior color.  Any issues/concerns with the homework should be communicated on a sticky note attached to the homework so I can review during the day.

      Each day a student returns their homework on time, they will receive a stamp/sticker on their homework chart.  When their chart is full, they can turn it in for a reward of their choice!


“Ice Cream" for Books!

      In addition to the daily assignments, seconds graders are encouraged to be reading at home.  Our “Ice Cream" for Books program is an optional at home reading program that promotes students to read for 15 minutes a night. To participate, have your child mark down each night they read on the back of their assignment sheet and initial it. (Reading homework counts too!) 

      I will collect the week's sheets each Friday throughout the year.  For every 15 minutes a student reads, they will place a sticker on their ice cream scoop.  At the end of each marking period, students will earn an ice cream party.  For every scoop full of stickers earned, they will receive one topping for their sundae. Who doesn't love a good book... And an ice cream sundae?!

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